Thank You!

Thank You!

We are so grateful for all the wonderful emails about how Viviano Wellness has helped you or your family pet!

Thank you so much for sharing your stories!

Mushroom Chocolate

“Your Chocolate is so delicious! My family can’t taste the mushroom powder and the raw Cacao gives it such a rich, chocolate taste!”

“The Mushroom Brownie Mix is so easy to make! We can’t taste the mushroom powder. It has a very rich chocolate taste!”-Linda Meyers

“Hands down the best tasting chocolate bars! Not only are they delicious, but I can enjoy them guilt free knowing they’re healthy and packed with so many health benefits. I’ve bought “healthy” chocolate bars at Whole Foods, but none of them come close to the health benefits Viviano Wellness offers. I always add these to every order, they are so hard to resist! “-Maddie B 

Follow Maddie on Instagram: maddie.dwellhomestaging

 Your Mushroom Mix is a tasty delicious soothing drink and as an accompliment to any meal.  Love the brownies, too!!!

E. Revely

Herbal Syrups

“This past year, I had reoccurring UTI’s and the antibiotics would only help in the short term before I got another. I started to research preventative measures and came upon the Bladder Support Syrup. I started using it and I have yet to have another UTI. Awesome product & tastes great. I would highly recommend!” -Teresa M

“As someone who really enjoys cooking, I appreciate how delicious, convenient, and healthy these broth mixes are. They are very easy to use and helpful when you want to make a quick and easy meal healthy and tasty. I have used the mushroom broth mix and the bone broth mix and they were both incredible. It was a great compliment to the ramen and Italian wedding soup I made and I highly recommend trying them all, I will continue to try more and use them whenever I want to make soup again.” -Seth B

Follow Seth and Maddie on Instagram: Brafford Bites

Herbal Infusions (Tea)

“I am a firm believer in these products having experienced first hand the health benefits they bring. I’ve found nothing better than the Detox and Bladder and Kidney Support Herbal Infusions to help my frequent UTI symptoms and inflammation.  They are delicious and soothing and bring me relief for days. Also, I have purchased many of the mushroom chocolate products for myself and to give as gifts.”-Natalie M

Herbal Broth Mixes

Pet Herbal Syrups

“I have purchased several of Liz’s wellness herbals - daily, calm, immune support and several of her tea blends, digestion and calm- I absolutely trust every ingredient she uses and trust her educated knowledge in blending all her herbal support items. They’ve been a huge blessing to maintaining excellent  health and have aided in restoring my body to health during an illness. I’m very appreciative of her passion and care for alternative medicinal supplements. “-Laurie S

“I’ve found the Daily Herbal Syrup to be a most beneficial supplement as my body ages. The liquid formulation and ingredients in this product are absorbed easily and help me keep my body in a very healthy nutritional balance.”-Terry O

"I purchased the immune support and daily wellness syrups after having a cold which led to a miserable cough and laryngitis. I am regularly exposed to viruses since I volunteer with the three year old class at our church. Since taking these two syrups daily, I have not had another illness for the last three months. Truly a first! My  husband who also works with the children and was not taking Viviano Wellness herbal products contracted a bad cold and cough. I am sold on the efficacy of these products!"-Jana

"My family and I call the Respiratory Support syrup our Magic Potion. It has helped us through many colds and respiratory infections. All Liz's products are fantastic, but the one we use the most is the Respiratory Support syrup." - Elizabeth M

“I love your products because I feel a near immediate effect (especially with your calm syrup) that I don’t feel when taking supplements. And when I’m sick, I trust the products to have ingredients that truly help the root cause instead of masking symptoms.”-Sarah S.

"You have a great product line and it continues to improve. It’s been a lot easier getting vitamins into my kids system. They love the taste and look forward to taking them. Being able to store them at room temperature until they are opened has been a game changer as well. I can stock up and not worry about limited frig space. My only complaint is I have to travel an hour to get your products. Please come further north. The products we get are daily, calm, and digest, along with the mushroom chocolates which are a guilt free treat we can spoil ourselves with. While the other products have strengthened immune systems. We have spent more time well and less time fighting illness and going to the doctors."

"Thanks Viviano Wellness"- The Sites Family

We have enjoyed Viviano Wellness’s broths, herbal syrups and teas for their immunity boosting properties for years! Oftentimes, I feel that using these products has helped us to heal and recover much quicker than we typically would during illnesses, and we add these products into our routine proactively as well. 

Some of our favorites are the CALM Herbal Infusions tea blend, the herbal broth mixes for immune system support, and the Respiratory blend herbal syrup, which even my kids can have during the winter months of cold & flu season (and they love the taste!). I often mix the herbal broths, such as turmeric or mushroom, as bases to homemade soups to boost immunity, especially in the winter months. The mushroom chocolate is divine as well as healthy, so I always feel good indulging in some extra antioxidants with those! You can trust the purity of these ingredients, as well as the care that is poured into creating each of the products. I cannot recommend them enough as part of your health & wellness routine. -Cassie Whitehouse

I’ve just started buying the Joint and Skin Pet Herbal Syrup for my dog who has been favoring her back left leg. She wouldn’t walk on it and keep it pulled up against her body. The vet didn't know what is causing her to favor that leg and gave us pain/anti-inflammatory pills to give to her and told us to keep an eye on her. Potentially we’d do an CT scan—which would mean putting her under anesthesia—if her condition continued or started declining. 

After finishing the pain/anti-inflammatory pills with no improvement, I began searching for more natural options and I found your pet herbal syrup for Joint and Skin. After consistent use for 3 days we started noticing a difference. She was using her leg more and was even running and going up the stairs using her left back leg. I wasn’t the only one noticing a difference—other people were commenting on it too. I had accidentally left the herbal syrup at my parents for a little over a week and so I wasn’t giving it to her daily and she went right back to how she was before—not using her leg at all :( 

Since then, we consistently give her the herbal syrup in the morning and she’s improved so much. It takes her a little longer to get up after laying down for a while, but she’s running and goes on long walks and plays just like normal. We love our girly so much and we’re so thankful this product has been helping her. 

Thanks for all you do! - Jade P.