FAQ: Viviano Wellness Herbal Syrups

How safe are Viviano Wellness Herbal Syrups? The ingredients in all Viviano Wellness Herbal Syrups are safe for children and adults EXCEPT if you are pregnant or on medication you should always consult with your physician before taking any herbs. Honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months. Please follow the safety precautions and dosage on the label. 

Will Daily Herbal Syrup cure my cold/flu? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs and Vitamin C content in Acerola Cherry used in Viviano Wellness Daily Herbal Syrup.

Why do you use glass jars and not plastic? There are several research studies that have proven that chemicals in plastic can leach into our food. Also glass is more eco-friendly! Please reuse your glass jars or recycle them.

Will Immune Support Herbal Syrup cure my cold/flu? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs and zinc used in Viviano Wellness Immune Support Herbal Syrup.

Can I take Immune Support Herbal Syrup everyday of the year? It is NOT recommended to take Immune Support Herbal Syrup daily for a whole year. You can take Immune Support Herbal Syrup for 5 consecutive days and then 2 days break to support your immune response. It is best taken at the beginning of symptoms and everyday during an illness. Adults can take up to 4 teaspoons of Immune Support Herbal Syrup everyday during an illness for up to 4 months.

Will Respiratory Herbal Syrup cure my cough or sore throat? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the soothing benefits of slippery elm bark and the other great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Respiratory Herbal Syrup.

Will Calm Herbal Syrup cure my anxiety? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Calm Herbal Syrup.

Will Bladder/Kidney Support Herbal Syrup cure my UTI? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of D-Mannose, Cranberry, and the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Bladder/Kidney Support Herbal Syrup.

Will Detox Support Herbal Syrup cure my inflammation? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Detox Support Herbal Syrup.

Will Digestive Support Herbal Syrup cure my digestive problems? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the soothing benefits of slippery elm bark and the other great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Digestive Herbal Syrup.

FAQ: Viviano Wellness Pet Herbal Syrups

How safe are Viviano Wellness Herbal Syrups for my pets? The ingredients in all Viviano Wellness Pet Herbal Syrups are safe for cats and dogs EXCEPT if the pet is pregnant or on medication you should always consult with your veterinarian before giving any herbs. Honey should not be given to pets under the age of 12 months. Please follow the safety precautions and dosage on the label. Do not give your pet the human Viviano Wellness Herbal Syrups.

Can adults and children take the Pet Herbal Syrups? Yes, all the Viviano Wellness Pet Herbal Syrups are safe for humans EXCEPT if you are pregnant or on medication you should always consult with your physician before taking any herbs. Honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months. There are many people that love the benefits of taking the Pet Heart Health Herbal Syrup and the Joint/Skin Health Pet Herbal Syrup!

Why do you use glass jars and not plastic? There are several research studies that have proven that chemicals in plastic can leach into our food. Also glass is more eco-friendly! Please reuse your glass jars or recycle them.

How do I know how much Viviano Wellness Pet Herbal Syrup to give to my pet? Viviano Wellness Pet Herbal Syrup labels give a recommended daily dosage based on your pet’s weight.

Will Respiratory Pet Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s cough or congestion? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the soothing benefits of slippery elm bark and the other great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Respiratory Pet Herbal Syrup.

Will Digestive Support Pet Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s digestive problems? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the soothing benefits of slippery elm bark and the other great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Digestive Pet Herbal Syrup.

Will Bladder/Kidney Support Pet Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s UTI? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of D-Mannose, Cranberry, and the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Bladder/Kidney Support Pet Herbal Syrup.

Will Calm Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s anxiety? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Calm Pet Herbal Syrup. Valerian Root may cause drowsiness so please start with a smaller dose than the daily recommended amount based on your pet’s weight. 

Will Heart Health Pet Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s heart problems? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Heart Health Pet Herbal Syrup for both pets and humans.

Will Joint/Skin Pet Herbal Syrup cure my pet’s arthritis and/or skin issues? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Syrups do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Joint/Skin Pet Herbal Syrup for both pets and humans.

FAQ: Viviano Wellness Broth Mixes

How do I make Viviano Wellness Herbal Broth using the Broth Mix package? Super Easy!! The directions are on the package. Just place 2-4 cups water/bone broth to sauce pan on simmer. Add broth mix and stir. Simmer for 20 minutes allowing the herbal infusion to take place. Enjoy!

What is the recommended dose for taking Viviano Wellness Herbal Broth? Each mylar package of Viviano Wellness Herbal Broth Mix makes 4 servings. Each serving is 1/2 of a cup of finished broth. It is recommended that you start by using the broth mix packet to make 2-4 cups of broth and then take only 1/4 of the finished broth each day until finished. Unused broth will keep for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. Eventually you can increase the dosage to taking the entire 2 cups of broth adding beans/vegetables noodles etc. to make a yummy soup for dinner.

FAQ: Viviano Wellness Herbal Tea Infusions

How do I make Viviano Wellness Herbal Tea Infusions? Super Easy!! The medicinal herbs have been measured into individual tea bags so you get just the right amount of ingredients in each serving. Just place one tea bag in one cup of hot water and wait for the herbal infusion to take place. The time varies based on the herbs. Please follow the instructions on the package.

Is there a specific dosage for taking Viviano Wellness Herbal Tea Infusions? Yes! Please follow the recommended dosage on each package.

Will Digestive Support Herbal Tea Infusions cure my digestive problems? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Tea do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the soothing benefits of slippery elm bark and the other great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Digestive Herbal Tea.

Will Detox Support Herbal Tea Infusions cure my inflammation? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Teas do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Detox Support Herbal Tea.

Will Bladder/Kidney Support Herbal Tea Infusions cure my UTI? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Teas do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of D-Mannose, Cranberry, and the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Bladder/Kidney Support Herbal Tea.

Will Calm Herbal Tea Infusions cure my anxiety? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Teas do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of Magnesium and the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Calm Herbal Tea.

Will Antioxidant Herbal Tea Infusions improve my skin health, heart health, and/or memory? Viviano Wellness, LLC Herbal Teas do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The health benefits of herbs have been studied by government labs and medical research centers. Please visit this website to read all about the great benefits of the herbs used in Viviano Wellness Antioxidant Herbal Tea.

FAQ: Viviano Wellness Mushroom Chocolate Products

What mushrooms are in Viviano Wellness Chocolate Products? All Viviano Wellness chocolate products have my homemade Vitamin D mushroom powder made from drying organic portobello mushrooms under a garden light for a minimum of 12 hours. Please read all the wonderful research on this website! In addition to my Vitamin D mushroom powder, the Five Mushroom Chocolate Bars also have Reishi, Shiitake, Cordyceps, and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms!

Why do you only use Organic Cacao chocolate and not Cocoa chocolate in all your products? Please read the research which can be found on this website that explains the many benefits of eating raw chocolate-Cacao! 

What makes Viviano Wellness Mushroom Chocolate better than other mushroom chocolate? In addition to the garden dried, Vitamin D mushroom powder and the Organic Cacao instead of using Cocoa, Viviano Wellness Mushroom Chocolate Products are vegan, soy free, alcohol free, dairy free, and contain no preservatives or additives.

Will I taste mushrooms when I eat Viviano Wellness Chocolate Products? Mushrooms are known for enhancing the flavor of chocolate so instead of tasting mushrooms people say they taste a delicious, rich chocolate flavor!