Yoga Breathing Techniques

Yoga Breathing Techniques

The Full Breath (Diaphragmatic Breathing)

Breath using both the upper and lower lungs. The upper lobes are associated with the sympathetic nervous system. This is the “fight or flight” nervous system. The lower lobes are associated with the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the “rest and digest” nervous system. Therefore if we breath shallow filling only the upper lobes of the lungs we produce Cortisol (hormone associated with anxiety) in the body. Let the belly be soft and on the inhale fill the upper and lower lobes of the lungs and expand the belly. On the exhale bring the naval in towards the spine and empty the lungs completely.

Vocalized Breath and Endorphins 

Don’t be afraid to make noise on your exhale. Take in a deep breath and then produce a big sigh out of the mouth on your exhale. Science has discovered a connection between your vocal chords and production of endorphins (neurotransmitter that blocks pain in the body). The auditory exhale releases tension. Think: Inhale through the nose-smell the rose and Exhale out the mouth-blow out the candle.

Ujjayi Breathing (Yoga Breathing) 

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose. Listen to that ocean wave sound out the nose. This is relaxing for the body.

Preparation for Singing or Pubic Speaking

Soften your lips and blow out letting your lips flap. Some people call this “horse lips.”

Relaxation Technique

Keep eyes closed. Take a deep inhale and on the exhale say letter A; try to say the letter A with a deep voice; try again: Inhale and exhale “A”; now the letter “E”; inhale and exhale “E” nice and deep; again “E”; try “I” 2x; try “O” 2x; and try “U” 2x; Breath naturally. Slowly open eyes.

Anuloma Viloma (Nostril Breathing)

Place middle two fingers down; use thumb to close and open one nostril and use pinky and ring fingers to close and open other nostril. If right handed, place pinky and ring fingers of right hand against left nostril and breath in through right nostril then close right nostril with thumb and gently breath out through left nostril. Take inhale through left nostril then close and breath out of right. Flow with this pattern several times.

The Even Breath

On the inhale count to 5 and then exhale a count of 5. Keep practicing trying to even out the breath spending the same amount of time inhaling and exhaling. Now try to lengthen the breath. Maybe you can inhale 7 and then exhale 7. This will slow down your breathing and help with lowering anxiety. Another option, is to elongate your exhale by inhaling a count of 5 and then exhale a count of 7.

Special Note

Take time to notice your breath several times throughout the day. 

Are you breathing shallow? Take a nice deep, diaphragmatic breath.

Are your shoulders rising and lowering with each breath? This is vertical breathing and we want to change our breathing to a horizontal movement. Try to expand the belly out and in.

Are you holding your breath? Take one deep inhale/exhale and then continue to breath normally.