Maha Bandha

Bandha (bond, arrest) is a term for the “body locks” in Hatha Yoga.

Mula Bandha: contraction of the perineum. 

Uddiyana Bandha: contraction of the abdomen into the rib cage.

 Jalandhar Bandha: tucking the chin down to the chest. 

Together they are Maha Bandha

Jalandhar Bandha (Throat Chakra Lock)

Body Position: Sit or stand in Spinal Alignment. Bring your face forward keeping neck still, then rock chin down to sternum and hold.

Benefits: Improves your capacity to focus inward like closing eyes but deeper

Healing throat chakra-builds confidence

Mula Bandha Work (Exercises to strengthen the Pelvic Floor)

Body Position: Pull up pelvic floor into torso by contracting anus, perineum, urethra, and vagina without tightening the thighs, buttocks or abdominal muscles. Try to isolate this muscle called the PC-pubococcygeus muscle. Practice one time stopping your urination to identify this muscle.

1. Kegel Holds: Hold in PC muscle and count to 10 then slowly release opening pelvic floor. 

2. Kegel Pulses: Do 10 quick squeeze and release flow. Relax pelvic floor. 

3. Kegel Elevators: Squeeze PC on first floor and lift up to naval-fifth floor and hold for count of five. Slowly release to 4-3-2-1 and relax pelvic floor.

Uddiyana Bandha Work (Exercises to strengthen the Transverse Abdominal Muscles)

Body Position: Press your tail bone down and pull naval back to spine. Hip points narrow and the sacrum widens. Take a deep breath-expanding your belly out while filling the lower lobes of your lungs, Then exhale slowly bringing your navel in towards your spine. Now hold the abs in the position. This is the abdominal lock or Uddiyana Bandha. Make sure you continue to breath while holding this abdominal lock. 


Strengthening transverse abs-the inner most ab muscle that circles waist.

Prevention/Repair of diastasis (rectus muscles separate)

Avoid back trouble by using this technique during any exertion i.e. coughing, sitting up, lifting an object (This is opposite of “sucking in your gut.”)

Abdominal Hold: Hold abs back to spine for count of 30-Do not hold breath Then release abdominal hold and repeat up to10 times.

Abdominal Control: Start with belly relaxed and expanded out (first floor position). Contract abs to third floor then bring back towards spine (fifth floor position) then release to third floor and the back to fifth floor. Repeat up to 100x and then relax to first floor and take one full belly breath and exhale to fifth floor. Relax.