Toxic Environmental Checklist

Viviano Wellness uses only Glass Bottles-Not Plastic!

 In my energy practice, I tend to see clients with symptoms from an unknown cause. They may have upper respiratory congestion, sinus congestion, sleep trouble, digestive problems, memory difficulty, infertility, symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, fatigue, anxiety, depression, localized pain, overall stiffness, etc. Yet, their medical exam results and blood work show “normal.” These clients don’t feel normal and would like to figure out why. Since I am not a medical doctor, I will not diagnose or prescribe anything for my clients. As an energy practitioner I can sense congested energy that matches my clients complaints so I agree with my clients that we need to figure out why they have these symptoms. So together we explore reasons for their symptoms. The first thing I like to explore is checking for toxins in their environment. Here is a checklist based on articles posted by three, online integrative medical physicians: Dr. Axe, Dr. Hyman, and Dr. Mercola.

Mold and Radon Gas

Your house can be easily tested for mold spores and radon gas. Mold and radon gas test kits are inexpensive and easy to use. Just follow the directions and send the sample in a prepaid postage box.

Tap Water

Install a reverse osmosis water filter under your kitchen sink or filter the whole house. Filters for your shower heads are easy to install. Always place drinking water in glass containers. Avoid drinking water from plastic water bottles.


Bisphenol A is a synthetic hormone that imitates estrogen in the body. Avoid placing food/drinks in plastic containers. Place leftovers in glass containers with a plastic lid that doesn’t touch your food. Purchase BPA-free canned foods.


Phthalates are found in plastic toys, food containers, and cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group has a website ( to research natural cosmetics, lotion, sunscreen, shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirant, etc. Replace your vinyl shower curtain with a fabric one or a glass door.

Glycol ethers

Glycol ethers are found in household cleaning products, paints, and cosmetics. EWG offers a list of environmentally friendly cleaning products. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Dust your electronics and furniture frequently.

Heavy Metals: Mercury, Aluminum

EWG offers a list of fish contaminated with mercury. Small, cold water fish like wild-caught salmon have lower mercury levels. If you take a fish oil supplement look for krill oil that is third party tested. Use ceramic or glass pots and pans. Avoid aluminum antiperspirants. 

Pesticides, Insecticides, Growth Hormones

Avoid DEET insect repellants. Purchase fruits and vegetables from your local farmers market and ask if they spray their crops. Buy organic at the supermarket. Avoid processed foods especially artificial food additives, artificial sweeteners, MSG, and hydrogenated oils. If you are not sensitive to dairy products then make sure your milk and cheese products are free of added growth hormones.

Synthetic Fragrances

Avoid artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners, synthetic candles, and synthetic fragrances in your toiletries. 

Fire Retardant Products

Many household items (furniture, carpet, flooring, cabinets, mattresses, pillows, countertops) and clothing contain toxic fire retardant products. When replacing these items, it is recommended to look for “green” alternatives. 


Dr. Mercola recommends removing WiFi completely from your home. Some suggest turning off your WiFi at night. All of these physicians recommend limiting your exposure to EMFs. Place your electronic devices like your alarm clock as far from your bed as possible. Keep your cell phone as far from your body as possible. Use your lap top computer on a table and not on your lap.   


        When I decided to detox my environment, it was a lot of work and expense to test for radon and mold; buy a water filter, glass water bottles, ceramic pans, natural personal products; distance my cell phone and alarm clock while I sleep and question everything that I ate. Yet, it is so worth it! Please do not be overwhelmed. Just when you think you have it all figured out, another article will appear talking about carcinogenic material in tea bags. Now even my healthy green tea is unsafe! Try to keep calm and start with the above list of environmental toxins. Our bodies are amazing if we take care of them. Here is an article by Dr. Hyman on detoxification and the articles that helped make the Toxic Environment Checklist!  


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