Autoimmune Diseases


An autoimmune disease develops as a result of an immune system malfunction. The immune system produces antibodies which attacks healthy tissue. There are over 80 autoimmune diseases including Type 1 Diabetes, Thyroid Diseases-Grave’s/Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, psoriasis, and Celiac disease. Recent research is looking into an autoimmune response in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and MS. 

In addition to seeing your primary care physician, here are some helpful websites from a functional medicine perspective:

Dr. Weil:

In summary, Dr. Weil recommends: 

mind/body treatments to reduce stress

reduce protein intake

eliminate dairy

eat organic fruits and vegetables

eliminate hydrogenated oils/polyunsaturated oils (use olive oil)

increase omega 3 fatty acids

supplements: ginger/tumeric

Dr. Hyman:

In summary, Dr. Hyman recommends:

(1) “Eat a whole food, anti-inflammatory diet. Focus on anti-inflammatory foods like omega-3 wild fish, leafy greens and turmeric, and avoid inflammatory foods, such as sugar and corn oils.”

(2) “Look for hidden infections.These include yeast, viruses, bacteria, and Lyme. A functional-medicine practitioner can help you identify and eliminate these infections.”

(3) “Get tested for celiac disease and hidden food allergies.Your doctor can use a blood test to help diagnose celiac disease, which occurs when your body has an immune reaction to eating gluten. A functional-medicine practitioner can also look for hidden food allergies, like soy or dairy, with IgG food testing.”

(4) “Get checked for heavy metal toxicity. Mercury and other metals can be a risk factor for autoimmunity.”

(5) “Fix the gut. About 60 to 70 percent of your immune system lies right under the one-cell-layer-thick lining of our gut. If this surface breaks down, your immune system will get activated and start reacting to foods, toxins, and bugs in your gut. The easiest way to begin healing your gut involves eating a whole food, anti-inflammatory diet and removing gluten and other food sensitivities.”

(6) “Implement supplements. Nutrients like fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin D, and probiotics can help calm your immune response naturally. Also consider anti-inflammatory nutrients like quercetin, grapeseed extract, and rutin.”

(7) “Exercise regularly. Consistent exercise is a natural anti-inflammatory. You don't necessarily need to go to the gym, run on a treadmill, or pump iron to stay in shape. Just start moving around more, use your body more, and have fun.”

(8) “Practice deep relaxation. Stress worsens your immune response. Calming techniques including yoga, deep breathing, and massage can reduce stress and anxiety to promote relaxation.”

(9) “Sleep eight hours every night. Lack of sleep, or poor sleep, can damage your metabolism, cause cravings for sugar and carbs, make us eat more, and drive up our risk of numerous conditions from diabesity to autoimmune disease. Sleeping well is essential for vibrant health and reversing inflammation.”

Dr. Axe:

In summary, Dr. Axe recommends:

A strict elimination diet (AIP) “The regimen should be followed strictly for the first few weeks, and then foods can be gradually added back in. Try introducing one new food in small amounts every five days, and keep track of any symptoms you may experience.”

Healthy lifestyle choices “Stress, sleep patterns, exercise and even hormone levels can all contribute to symptom severity, so most people will need to look beyond the diet”

In summary, the above is a 40 minute video by Dr. Axe on Leaky Gut.

REMOVE: “grains, gluten, dairy, bad oils, sugar, cold drinks, raw veggies, egg whites” 

RESEAL: ”bone broths, cooked veggies, pears, blueberries, sprouted rice, organic meat, wild caught salmon, herbs: cinnamon, ginger, paudarco, sage“

RESEED: ”SBO probiotics, sauerkraut, artichokes, arugula"

REBUILD: “Supplements: Bone broth powder, multi-collagen powder, astragalus, DGL, ginger, zinc”

RESTORE: Reduce negative emotions like fear, worry, and grief

To reduce negative emotions, I recommend my clients try Cognitive Behavior Therapy like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping). I like to suggest Nick Ortner’s book: The Tapping Solution. Please contact me with any questions about EFT.

Recommended Products:

Detox Support Herbal Syrup, Detox Support Chai Tea, Turmeric Broth Mix, and Bone Broth Mix


Immune Support