Lymphatic System


It is so important to me that my clients receive suggestions to try self healing at home between appointments. I’ve been searching the internet for the latest research on clearing the lymphatic system. I’ve come across five articles that seem very helpful. I know that you are very busy so if you do not have time to read them here is a brief list of suggestions from each article for clearing your lymphatic system:

According to Dr. Axe: Burdock Root is “Blood and Lymphatic System Purifier, Anti-Inflammatory”

According to Dr. Jennifer Weinberg

(1) Detox your Environment (“reduce exposure to chemicals in food, air, personal care products, and water”)

(2) Organic, anti-inflammatory diet (“green leafy vegetables, cruciferous veggies, omega-3 fatty acids, and …ginger, turmeric, and garlic”)

(3) Stay hydrated

(4) Incorporate red and raw foods (“berries, pomegranates, cherries, cranberries, and beets”)

(5) Laughter/ Deep breathing

(6) Dry Brushing/ Lymphatic Massage

(7) Mindfulness (Practice meditation, tai chi, yoga)

According to John Douilard

(1) Eat Red (“berries, cherries, beets, and turmeric”, pomegranates, cranberries)

(2) Manjistha herb-*Always consult a professional for dosage when using herbs.

(3) Green veggies

(4) Sip hot water every 10-25 minutes each day for 2 weeks

(5) Seaweed

(6) Nasal breathing

(7) Dry brush

(8) Lymphatic massage

According to Dr. Axe

(1) Get enough sleep and reduce stress

(2) Avoid “common allergens (like dairy products, gluten, soy, shellfish or nightshades…), low-quality animal products, refined vegetable oils and processed foods”

(3) Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods (green leafy vegetables, cruciferous veggies, berries, omega-3 foods, nuts, seeds, unrefined oils, ginger, turmeric, garlic)

(4) Exercise

(5) Lymphatic draining massage

(6) Infrared Saunas

(7) Essential Oils (“lemon, myrrh, oregano, cypress and frankincense”)

Frankincense comes from the Boswellia tree so some anti-inflammatory supplements include Boswellia.

I hope the above list is helpful and does not overwhelm you. Maybe you first start with plenty of water and anti-inflammatory foods. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, Liz Viviano


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